How to Recieve
DEXX currently supports: ETH / BASE / SOL / BSC / TRON Choose the network that corresponds to the funds you want to transfer in and get the appropriate wallet address. Then, head to the platform you're transferring from and enter your DEXX wallet address to transfer the funds you need. Before confirming the transfer, be sure to double-check the wallet address, network, and currency to avoid any mistakes that could lead to lost funds or wasted GAS fees. E.X: if you're transferring ETH into your DEXX wallet, you need to select the ERC20 mainnet, as other net are not supported at this time. *Please note that DEXX currently does not support purchases with USDT. If you transfer USDT, it may not display or be tradable on some networks, so you will need to export your private key and go to another platform to withdraw it.
Last updated